​Yangtze River By The Hudson Ba​y

Website's Chinese Name: <扬子江边的哈得逊>

This website contains old photographs of Kiukiang Water of Life Hospital (九江生命活水医院) and Old China. The site illuminates the life of Dr. Edward Carter Perkins (裴敬思医生) and his wife, Ms. Georgina M. Phillip (裴家纪) from Yonkers, NY, by the banks of Hudson River.  They served as Methodist missionaries in China between 1913 and 1951.  The site also shows many people who worked with Dr. and Mrs. Perkins, particularly at The Water of Life Hospital (生命活水医院) that they established in 1918 in Kiukiang (江西九江), a tiny but storied town on the southern banks of the Great Yangtze River (扬子江边) in Central China.  The Water of Life Hospital (九江生命活水医院) is still in existence today.

Celebrating 100th Year of The Kiukiang Water of Life Hospital (九江生命活水医院):  19182018

And the site serves as an introduction to a story that spans over a century

connecting the Great Yangtze River (扬子江) and the famed Hudson River (哈得逊河),

the two great streams flowing at two opposite ends of the earth.

Spring Flower  <春花: 裴敬思醫生的養女>

By Jean Tren-Hwa Perkins, MD

Book 1: 1931 – 1951 A Tale of Two Rivers <兩條江邊的故事>

For Chinese Edition <中文版>: <春花: 裴敬思医生的养女 – 两条江边的故事>

Book 2: 1951 – 1970 Facing the Red Storm <面臨紅色風浪>

Book 3: 1970 – 2014 Torn Between Shifting Worlds <徘徊在變化世界中>

For A New Site For Book Promotion: https://richardperkinshsung.com/