Go To: Today's WLH – 生命活水楼 // Perkins Residence – 裴敬思就九江旧址
九江同文中学-William Nast & Rulison // By The River – 扬子江边 // Mount Lu – Gu-Ling – 庐山牯岭
To Be Continued
Rulison Girls High (儒励女子中学) and William Nast Academy (同文中学) were merged to become a coed school under the name of William Nast High (九江同文中学) post-1949. The School finally returned to its former name only in recent years. Consequently, for most locals such as cab drivers and restauranteurs, they only resonate with the name of Kiukiang High School #2 (九江二中).
The banner indicates that the School is celebrating the 149th year of its existence, which is inaccurate. Even considering Rulison Girls High (儒励女子中学), which could be traced back to as early as 1873, the School should be in its 143rd year.
九江同文中学: William Nast Academy & Rulison Girls High
These two Rulison Girls High Buildings (儒励女子中学) are still there - well-weathered not in great conditions - but still there. See the two Building-R marked on the map above for their locations.
One of the few arches not closed up.
The Chapel of William Nast Academy (同文中学教堂): No where to be found.
I walked past these buildings every day on my way, searching for Dr. and Mrs. Perkins' former residence and WLH Hospital.
They could all use some much-needed masonry work. But one is grateful that they still exist and are in use.
Today's Main Building of
William Nast Academy.
See Building-W on the map above for its location.
The Main Building of William Nast
Academy in the Early
Twentieth Century
The Front Entrance of Today's William Nast Academy
Or: Kiukiang High School #2 (九江二中)
The Entrance Facing Nan-Hu Road (南湖路)
The William Nast (Study Hall) Building has been anointed and protected by Central Government of the People's Republic of China as an important cultural and historical landmark as of March 2013.
These two original buildings of the Rulison Girls High are no longer in existence.
The back of the Classroom Building:
The building looks like it is being used as staff housing.
The old wooden stairway inside.
Rulison Girls High Classroom Building (Left: 儒励女子中学教学楼) and Administrative Building (Right: 办公楼)
Rulison Girls High Classroom Building (left) and Administrative Building (right) have been anointed and protected by the Central Government of the People's Republic of China as an important cultural and historical landmark as of March 2013.
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The back of Rulison Girls High Administrative Building (儒励女子中学办公楼背后):
There are several century-old trees marked for protection. The building is currently being used as a student dormitory.