​Yangtze River By The Hudson Ba​y

"Dear Dr. y. C. Chen (陈玉珍) of Danforth (Jacob's sister) {OC}"

Superintendent of Danforth: 1924–1934


At Far Right: Dr. Phoebe Stone,  Dr. Mary Stone's Younger Sister

Doctors and Nurses of The Elizabeth Skelton Danforth Memorial Hospital, Kiukiang

"Nurses and Doctors at Danforth Hospital {OC}"

"The Doctors Whang {OC}" <"Whang" is  misspelled: They are likely Drs. Alice Hwang (Huang, 黄燕誉) & Kathleen Hwang {CREDIT}>

The Elizabeth Skelton Danforth Memorial Hospital

<但福德醫院, 江西, 九江; est. 1901>

Still In Progress

Ms. Jennie V. Hughes and Dr. Mary Stone

(Chinese Name: Mei-Yii Shie, 石美玉)

Left: Ms. Hughes: The Principal of Knowles Woman's Bible Training School,  1906–1920; Right: Dr. Stone: The Dean of The Danforth Hospital, 1901–1920 (Dr. Ida Kahn - not shown here - and Dr. Stone were Co-Deans from 1901 to 1903).

At Far Right: Dr. Phoebe Stone,

Dr. Mary Stone's Younger Sister

New Born Babies at The Danforth Memorial

The Front Gate of the Danforth Memorial

Go To:    Rulison Girls High    //    William Nast    //    Gracey Center    //    Knowles    //    WFMS Primary    //    Day School