A Young Deanetta Ploeg

Deanetta and Elizabeth (Bessie)

with Ms. Geneva Miller

​Yangtze River By The Hudson Ba​y

Ms. Deanetta Ploeg and Ms. Elizabeth (Bessie) Ploeg

Deanetta, ca. 1954

A Special Page Honoring The Ploeg Sisters (浦乐姐妹)

Arrival of the Ploeg sisters of Grand Rapids, MI

Ms. Elsie Wu ( a nurse at WLH); Elizabeth (Bessie) with Deanetta;

Bessie is holding their officially adopted daughter;

Dr. Hyla Watters (Hyla Doc)'s mother, Dr. Watters, and Mrs. Perkins

Ms. Deanetta Ploeg in Her Office at WLH

Go To:    Georgina    //     Mrs. Perkins' Mission     //     Edward     //     Family     //     Friends    //     The Ploeg Sisters